Thursday, April 16, 2009

John Madden Retired Today!

Alerted by a twitter from Ashton Kutcher, I found out that John Madden Retired from Football today! Pretty crazy!

I wish him luck! Dunno what football will be without him. Probably ok, just different.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Facebook is down

Wow. Facebook is actually down.

Just started an advertising campaign on Facebook for Twitterpray

The title really says it all, but I just started an advertising campaign for on Facebook.

So far, I have had 17 clicks from Facebook and over 60,000 impressions. Hopefully, I am driving traffic from facebook to the site. Pray that it helps people find the site.

Also pray that Adsense accepts my site as completed so i can add ads to the site. I need to start offsetting my cost there!