Anyway, back to the point. I have been writing songs and it is rather difficult. I really enjoy it, and it is certainly a worthwhile use of my time, but moving from a world of just worship music to trying to write songs that appeal to people's emotions and challenge them to think or at least entertain them is quite a different animal. The same laws do not apply to "regular music" and "worship music."
For instance:
Worship Music
- Point to Christ
- Glorify God
- Help you praise God
- Not about show
- Easy to sing
- Less "Do do do"
- Straightforward
Normal Music
- Make a point or have a point
- Glorify God
- Help you enjoy life
- About Show
- Whatever I want to say
- "Do do do" encouraged
- Complicated or simple (either)
Anyway, it is interesting trying to write something significant and real that really sounds good and is not always preachy or worship specific music. I want to write about real things that people can identify with, which is worship to Christ, just not in the traditional worship chorus style. But that is what comes out sometimes because of my experience with leading worship.
It is a good problem, because as I work through this even if I don't get a lot of "Normal Music" right now, I am getting some good praise music :)
-- Michael