Sunday, February 22, 2009


Is it a guilty pleasure that I love to watch the Oscars? There is such a pack of famous/beautiful people all in one place. It is just like a blackhole... it sucks me in and doesn't let me go!

I really like to see the production of the show, and also who shows up to give the awards, and of course... seeing who wins!

It was great to see Heath Ledger's family accept the posthumously awarded Best Supporting Actor. I am glad that they were able to accept the award, even though I thought we were going to see Christopher Nolan or Christian Bale accept it.

The dresses were pretty. The production quality was really nice. A lot of films won some well deserved awards. I love awards shows!


It has been a crazy few days of finding new Internet addictions. And I mean that in the best way possible. One of the most important and favorite tools I have been using is twitter. I just love it!

To be fair, I have been tweeting for the last several months, but over the last week I have really gotten deeper into the twitter culture and really have enjoyed learning about the features of the service and individuals who are popularly followed on Twitter.

I am addicted.

Sign up and check it out at:

Follow me at

Friday, February 20, 2009

Triumphant Return? Well I hope so...

It has been a while since I have posted to this blog. I really want to, and I think need to, continue to post things on here. I want to bring some thoughts to bear, discuss some issues, and really just post my thoughts on my life.

I really don't care if anyone reads it. And I think I wrote this like I did care, at least the last several posts. So, this will be a new adventure.

If you find yourself here, I hope its something you enjoy.
- Michael